Agile Working Toolkit
Whatever the working pattern being requested colleagues should spend some time thinking through the details of their request and undertaking an informal conversation with their line manager and affected team members prior to making a request. This Toolkit aims to provide managers and colleagues the support they need to consider the impact of an agile working request on your role, team and stakeholders in an open and objective manner.
Please note whilst everyone can request increased flexibility in your working pattern, your manager may determine after discussion, that your role or aspects of your request make a particular type of agile working unsuitable. As part of this process you may also find an alternative form of flexibility than original requested that may better meet your needs and those of your role and team. It is important that if an agile working pattern is in place then this should be reviewed during the quarterly review process to make sure it is still working for all parties.
Colleague Pre-Application Best Practice
Sometimes it pays to do a little research and in the case of increasing the flexibility in your working pattern some of the key things you may like to look at are;
What does your day to day role look like?
Who are you key stakeholders (internal and external)?
How much in office contact does your role require?
Who will be most impacted by your request?
One way to answer the questions above is to set up a work diary and use it for a typical two-week period. A template has been set out below but you could create your own.
Agile Working Checklist
IHS Markit has put together a checklist that you could use as the basis of any discussion with your line manager. The aim is allow for a candid discussion around the workplace agility request.
Formal Application Request
If the decision is made to request a formal contract change then please raise a ticket with HRServices who will guide you through any specific additional requirements and application forms in relation to the formal policy documents required.